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Next level sales require next level partnership

The shift to online retail in the wake of COVID-19 over the past few months has been extraordinary. Our clients have experienced sales well in excess of Christmas and peak periods and many times larger than the same time last year. It makes eStar incredibly proud that our clients can achieve rapid scalable growth during a difficult retail environment.

The graph below indicates just how big of a change we have seen across our clients.

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Should I close my online store due to COVID-19?

We are in a period of unprecedented and rapid change brought about by COVID-19. The retail landscape is unrecognisable to what it was just a few weeks ago. Entire sections of the economy are being closed down in the interest of public safety and people are being urged to stay at home. The challenge for retail is without precedent. This has prompted many of our clients to ask us "should I close down my eCommerce site?".

The quick answer is "no".

Times Square

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Case Study: Paul Carroll A Smart Move

Paul Carroll migrated from Magento to eStar eCommerce in late 2019. The smooth transition from an ageing solution to one that sets Paul Carroll up for future growth across four sites has been a smart move. The new sites give Paul Carroll the technology, partnership and confidence to grow the digital side of their flourishing business. This implementation demonstrates the ease of migration from Magento to eStar.

Paul Carroll Case Study

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